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  <div class="px-8 py-24 mx-auto md:px-12 lg:px-24 max-w-7xl relative">
        class="font-mono text-xs font-medium tracking-tight text-blue-600 uppercase"
        class="text-4xl mt-4 font-semibold tracking-tight text-gray-900 lg:text-balance"
        Frequently Asked Questions
      <p class="mt-6 text-base font-medium text-gray-500">
        Everything you need to know about our platform.
    <dl class="space-y-8 divide-y divide-gray-900/10 mt-12">
      <div class="pt-8 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-12 lg:gap-12">
          class="tracking-tight text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 lg:col-span-5"
          How does end-to-end encryption work?
        <dd class="mt-4 lg:col-span-7 lg:mt-0">
          <p class="ttext-sm text-gray-500">
            End-to-end encryption ensures that only the sender and recipient can
            access the content of a message.
      <div class="pt-8 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-12 lg:gap-12">
          class="tracking-tight text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 lg:col-span-5"
          Can I access my encrypted data if I forget my encryption key?
        <dd class="mt-4 lg:col-span-7 lg:mt-0">
          <p class="ttext-sm text-gray-500">
            No, forgetting or losing your encryption key means that your
            encrypted data cannot be accessed.
      <div class="pt-8 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-12 lg:gap-12">
          class="tracking-tight text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 lg:col-span-5"
          Are there any limitations to the self-destructing messages feature?
        <dd class="mt-4 lg:col-span-7 lg:mt-0">
          <p class="ttext-sm text-gray-500">
            Self-destructing messages are designed to automatically delete
            themselves after a specific period or upon being read by the
      <div class="pt-8 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-12 lg:gap-12">
          class="tracking-tight text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 lg:col-span-5"
          What happens if I enable two-factor authentication and lose my device?
        <dd class="mt-4 lg:col-span-7 lg:mt-0">
          <p class="ttext-sm text-gray-500">
            Losing your device doesn&#39;t automatically compromise your
            account&#39;s security.
      <div class="pt-8 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-12 lg:gap-12">
          class="tracking-tight text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 lg:col-span-5"
          Is my personal information shared or sold to third parties?
        <dd class="mt-4 lg:col-span-7 lg:mt-0">
          <p class="ttext-sm text-gray-500">
            No, we strictly adhere to a privacy-centric approach. Your personal
            information is never shared, sold, or monetized. We prioritize your
            privacy and ensure that your data remains confidential and only
            accessible to you.
      <div class="pt-8 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-12 lg:gap-12">
          class="tracking-tight text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 lg:col-span-5"
          Can I use this platform on multiple devices?
        <dd class="mt-4 lg:col-span-7 lg:mt-0">
          <p class="ttext-sm text-gray-500">
            Yes, you can access our platform on multiple devices. Your encrypted
            data remains synced across all devices, allowing you to seamlessly
            communicate and access your files and messages from anywhere.
      <div class="pt-8 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-12 lg:gap-12">
          class="tracking-tight text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 lg:col-span-5"
          Are there any storage limitations for files and documents?
        <dd class="mt-4 lg:col-span-7 lg:mt-0">
          <p class="ttext-sm text-gray-500">
            Our platform provides ample storage space for your files and
            documents. However, there may be storage limitations based on the
            pricing plan you choose. We offer flexible plans to suit your needs
            and provide options to upgrade if you require additional storage
      <div class="pt-8 lg:grid lg:grid-cols-12 lg:gap-12">
          class="tracking-tight text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 lg:col-span-5"
          Is it possible to export my data from the platform?
        <dd class="mt-4 lg:col-span-7 lg:mt-0">
          <p class="ttext-sm text-gray-500">
            Yes, you can export your data from the platform. We offer export
            features that allow you to download your messages, files, and
            documents, ensuring you have a local copy for backup or migration
            purposes. It provides you with greater control and flexibility over
            your data.
      <!-- More questions... -->